near to Kinveachy, Highland, Scotland
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in grid square NH9118
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A95 at Kinveachy Junction
by David Dixon
The A95/B9153 junction at Kinveachy was where the A95 used to terminate at the old A9 before that road was moved west on a new alignment in the 1970s. When the new A9 bypass was built the A95 was extended to the south (ahead) and the road... (more)
A9 near Kinveachy
by JThomas
Heading north towards Inverness.
Leaving the forest at Kinveachy
by Julian Paren
A final descent to the A9 with the Cairngorms ahead to mark the conclusion of the 19.6 km walk along the General Wade Military Road from Tomatin.
Semi Open Woodland Near Kinveachy
by Mick Garratt
Junction on the A95
The information signs show that there are lots of tourist attractions in this area.
Gated track towards Loch Vaa
by Steven Brown
Vehicular access to Loch Vaa
by jeff collins
This track is mostly used by fishermen to gain access to the boat house in NH9117 : Boat house, Loch Vaa].
Highland : The B9153
by Lewis Clarke
Approaching the A95 road junction on the B9153.
A95 at Kinveachy between Aviemore and Carrbridge |
Kame and kettle terrain near Loch Vaa
by Richard Webb
Some land has been improved for agriculture, but the gravel kames are left wild.
A9: Roadworks ahead
by Richard Webb
The A9 bypassing Carrbridge. The signs warn of roadworks, an overtaking lane is being installed to try and reduce frustration on this road which is notorious for slow moving traffic, and few safe overtaking places.
Track from Kinveachy towards Loch Vaa
by Julian Paren
Close to the start of the track. One car can be parked off-track by the B9153.
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