near to Urray, Highland, Scotland
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29 images
in grid square NH5051
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for NH5051
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No through road near Balvraid Farm
by Steven Brown
Tying Raspberry Canes
At Balvraid Fruit Farm.
Field near Balvraid
by Julian Paren
The view over farmland from the Forestry Road through Clash Wood.
Hillside in Clash Wood
by Julian Paren
A well-used but minor path passes below this ridge in Clash Wood. Clash Wood is a property of Forestry and Land Scotland.
Rainbow over Clash Wood
This is the main track through Clash Wood. It is a reasonable quality gravel track, mostly flat and straight. It is a fairly popular route for walking, running and cycling.
Today the weather was a mixture of sunshine, grey cloud and... (more)
Clash Wood
by Julian Paren
Scots Pine and bilberries.
Fields, Tormuick
by Richard Webb
North side of Clash Woods - a silage crop was taken here earlier in the year. View past Cnoc Udais and into Glen Orrin.
Clash Wood
by valenta
One of the many unmarked paths in the Forestry Commission owned Clash Woods
The End Rig
Next to Balvraid Fruit Farms and northwest of Muir of Ord.
No through road to Balvraid Farm
by Steven Brown
Forest floor in Clash Wood
by Julian Paren
An area of dampness in a generally very dry-soil woodland.
Woodland track by the gravel quarry, Clash Wood
by Julian Paren
A large quarry is fenced off in Clash Wood and it is flanked on the east side by a substantial track. The track forms part of a shortish circular walk used by folk exercising their dogs.
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