Grid reference NC0822
near to Baddidarach, Highland, Scotland
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Inver Park
Loch Inver, Sutherland
Taken from the hill behind Lochinver, this shows the harbour piers, Nead an Fhithich (the large point coming in from the right) and the outer islets. Dusk. Fishmarket is towards the bottom left, just behind the expensive white boat.
Ceramic TV set
One of the outdoor exhibits at Highland Stoneware.
Fishing boat, Loch Inver
A boat making its way out from this sea loch, seen from the White Shore.
Jetty, Lochinver
Taken on a rather wet day just west of the lifeboat jetty.
Out of Loch Inver
Looking out through the end of Loch Inver towards the Minch from just past the Culag Hotel.
Lifeboat Pier, Lochinver
The lifeboat has been moved off its pier and on to the fish quay to allow HRH Princess Anne to land by boat. She arrived on the Trinity House ship in the picture to open the nearby recently completed leisure centre.
The Albannach
The most northerly Michelin starred establishment in Britain.
A small bay in Loch Inver
I was trying to find the spot on which W.A.Poucher took his photograph for the cover of his North-Western Highlands book. Close but no cigar.
Highland Stoneware Pottery, Lochinver
Outside the shop and workshop of Highland Stoneware Pottery in their car park is this 'car', made from various pieces of pottery.
Lochinver harbour
On the left is 47-010 'Sir Galahad', a Tyne-class lifeboat, previously based at Tenby. It is now privately owned.
To the right is UL584 'Lady Nicola', a dive support vessel.