Grid reference NO5960
near to Brechin, Angus, Scotland
Explore gridsquare NO5960
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Brechin City FC, Glebe Park
Tidy little football ground, but sad to say that Brechin City are currently languishing in the Highland League [season 2021-22] having been relegated from Scottish league 2.
Brechin Coop
Disused Church at South Esk Street, Brechin
Former Drill Hall
The street frontage of the drill hall, now in use as retail premises.
The Swan
Pub and Indian restaurant on the corner of Panmure Street, Clerk Street and Swan Street, Brechin.
Brechin Cathedral and Round Tower
City Hall, Brechin
9 Swan Street.
Entrance to Brechin Castle
Photo taken from Castle Street, Brechin.
Market Cross
The Victorian lamppost marks the site of the original market cross which was demolished in the late 1700s.
Junction of St David's Street and High Street, Brechin
Ordnance Survey Flush Bracket S4586
This bracket can be found on the wall of Brechin Mechanics Institute building. The benchmark height is recorded as being 58.451 metres above sea level.
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Round Tower, Brechin
The round tower at Brechin is one of only two such towers of Irish type in Scotland, the other being NO1816 : Abernethy Round Tower. The Irish examples of these towers are now thought to date mainly from 950 to 1180, and a date of around 1100 seems likely for... ( more)