Grid reference NN9358
near to Pitlochry, Perth And Kinross, Scotland
Explore gridsquare NN9358
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Clunie Bridge Road, Pitlochry
The entrance to The Green Park hotel is to the left.
Loch Faskally
View across the reservoir to the mountains beyond.
Pitlochry Town Hall
Pitlochry Public Hall was a competition subject judged by Charles Gourlay of Glasgow, with Pitlochry architects John Menzies, taking second place, and John Leonard, third. The site was donated by Mr A E Butter of Faskally, with funds raised... (more)
19C house (B&B) in Pitlochry
Taxi Office, Station Road, Pitlochry
The view of the town from the garden outside the youth hostel, illuminated by the morning sun through a gap in the otherwise complete cloud cover.
Station House, Pitlochry Station (set of 2 images)
Shops on corner of Bonnethill and Atholl Roads, Pitlochry
Including Sweeney Todd the Demon Barber, just around the corner and up the hill.
Path leading to Burnside Road, Pitlochry
Fishers Hotel, Pitlochry
On Atholl Street Link
Pitlochry Station
At the southern end of the station platform is a wooden planter in the shape of a train. It is one of several maintained by the Pitlochry in Bloom group. The group Link was set up in 1993.
The Scottish Shop, Pitlochry
It is located along the main road