Grid reference NM8009
near to Garraron, Argyll And Bute, Scotland
Explore gridsquare NM8009
Surrounding area
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Picnic table at lay-by off the A816
Despite being the end of October and only about 8°C, there was lots of sunshine and no wind - making it a pleasant place to have a picnic lunch.
Twilight view from Arduaine
A southerly view from the picnic spot by Arduaine.
The A816 at Traighuaine
View of the A816 at Traighuaine, in the distance on the right you can just make out Craobh Haven.
Arduaine Pier
At low tide, looking out towards the Isle of Shuna.
Parking area beside the A816
Old Milestone by the A816, south of Arduaine
Milestone by the A816, in parish of Ardnish (Argyll & Bute District), South of Arduaine, opposite village sign, East side of road.
Inscription once read:-
: Ardrishaig / 18½ : : Oban / 20½ :
Milestone Society National... (more)
Early morning beach
View from south of Arduaine
Rock off Arduaine Jetty
A view with the sun setting over the Isle of Jura. Scarba is the highest land on the horizon and the Isle of Shuna liess immediately across the bay.
A816 Northbound near Garraron
View from Traighuaine
View from the lay-by and picnic site at Traighuaine on the A816.
Jetty at Arduaine, Argyll
Looking south-west towards the Sound of Jura. The middle-distant island on the right is Shuna, with Scarba beyond.