Grid reference H6884
4 km N of Dunnamore , Co Tyrone, Northern Ireland
Explore gridsquare H6884
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Notice board, Beaghmore Stone Circles
Looking west
Beaghmore Stone Circles, Co Tyrone
Extensive stone circle complex, dating back to 1500 B.C. Discovered in 1945 during peat cutting,7 circles and 9 rows can be seen.
Beaghmore stone circles
The Early Bronze Age stone circles at Beaghmore Co Tyrone at the eastern edge of the Sperrins.
Rough grazing, Beaghmore
Potholes along Blackrock Road, Beaghmore
Pictured beside Beaghmore Stone Circles.
The Solar Walk runs from the opposite side of the road towards Davog Forest.
Beagh More Townland
Looking east from Blackrock Road
Beaghmore, County Tyrone
Beaghmore is a network of early Bronze Age megalithic features, stone circles and cairns, 13.7 kilometres (8.5 miles) north west of Cookstown, County Tyrone. The circles were discovered by George Barnett, a local polymath, in the... (more )
Beaghmore Stone Circles and Alignments (set of 7 images)
Stone circles
Beaghmore Stone Circles sign
Looking east
Rough grasses