Finder :: D-Block GB-596000-195000
The Domesday Project, published by the BBC, captured 23,225 photos of the United Kingdom, in 1986, read more here. The whole of the UK - including the Channel Islands and Isle of Man - was divided into 23,000 4x3km areas called Domesday Squares or "D-Blocks".
This page shows the images Geograph has for each D-Block. Can enter a Grid-Reference above, to jump to the corresponding D-Block, and optionally filter the images by keyword.
- View D-Block GB-596000-195000 on Domesday Reloaded
(Photos in 1986 and 2011)
- Go: North | West | South | East
Year Filter: 2005 (1) · 2006 (19) · 2008 (11) · 2010 (1) · 2011 (15) · 2012 (18) · 2016 (9) · 2018 (12) · 2020 (1) · 2021 (2) · 2023 (9) ·
TQ9697 13 images
by Glyn Baker
TQ9797 4 images
by Glyn Baker
TQ9897 6 images
by Glyn Baker
TQ9997 5 images
TQ9696 14 images
by John Myers
TQ9796 5 images
by John Myers
TQ9896 3 images
by Glyn Baker
TQ9996 7 images
by Glyn Baker
TQ9695 18 images
by Angela Tuff
TQ9795 8 images
by John Myers
TQ9895 8 images
by John Myers
TQ9995 7 images
by John Myers
Example written accounts from this D-block
- This is Newman's Farm which stands on a poorly way-marked footpath between Southminster and Burnham-on-Crouch. I ended up on the wrong side of a ditch some distance from my intended photographer position. on Newman's Farm by Glyn Baker
- Unlike the south bank of the estuary on which most promontories, bays etc. are named, features on the north bank of the Crouch between Burnham and Holliwell Point at its mouth remain anonymous. This stretch is opposite Ringwood Point. on Seawall and shore by John Myers
- This massive industrial farm operated by the Faccenda Group is on West Wick Farm and stands on Marsh Road east of Burnham-on-Crouch. Even driving past you can tell Bio-Security is tight Bird Flu here would cost millions on Chicken Farm by Glyn Baker
- The aerial/mast is in TQ9997 but photograph was taken from TQ 9996 as landowner twice refused me permission to walk along the LRT onto the square. I later found-out that there is an application to build seven wind turbines on Turncole Farm and there are lot of local objections and... (more) on Old Turncole, Montsale by Arthur Stevens
- This bridge carries Marsh Rd across a drainage dike on the Dengie Peninsula. There is a dead end not far beyond the buildings in the background on Marsh Rd by Glyn Baker
- Even the Environment Agency, whom I have thus far found meticulous in their naming and "Grid Referencing" of all of their facilities, have let me down here. No nice signs to prove where I've been! - or more importantly - where I am! on Unnamed sluice by John Myers