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Collections used near tg3817
Events On This Day In History
Article by Thomas Nugent, with 60347 words, 2,172 images and viewed 10,937 times.
Updated 7 days ago.
Events On This Day In History
Every day there are anniversaries of events that have taken place throughout Britain and Ireland over the years. Sometimes Geograph has displayed a picture marking a particular anniversary as ‘Picture of The Day’.
This article is intended to use Geograph ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2024
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 3969 words, 2,668 images and viewed 5,178 times.
Updated 28 days ago.
A: A J Paxton to Ajay Tegala
A J Paxton (24602) 5
7729230 7761402 7832996 7833075 7904081 ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2017
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4024 words, 2,600 images and viewed 2,942 times.
Updated 1 months ago.
A: Adam Ward to Alan Reid
Adam Ward (6363) 5
5248509 5265557 5353603 5629764 5629590 ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2015
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4260 words, 2,667 images and viewed 2,919 times.
Updated 1 months ago.
A: Adam C Snape to Alan Richards
Adam C Snape (122082) 1
4769850 ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2012
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4638 words, 2,790 images and viewed 3,094 times.
Updated 2 months ago.
A: A runningman to Albert Bridge ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2011
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4285 words, 2,555 images and viewed 3,102 times.
Updated 2 months ago.
A: Adam Ward to Alan Tunnicliffe ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2010
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4565 words, 2,621 images and viewed 2,890 times.
Updated 2 months ago.
A: A Holmes to AlastairG ...
Images shortlisted for GOTY, 2008
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4182 words, 2,382 images and viewed 2,466 times.
Updated 2 months ago.
A: Adam Ward to AlastairG
Adam Ward (6363) 8
652124 653759 836599 881748 1039680 1108211 1108514 1110124
Adie Jackson (14680) 1 ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2022
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 3897 words, 2,620 images and viewed 3,199 times.
Updated 2 months ago.
A: A J Paxton to Ajay Tegala
A J Paxton (24602) 5
7129553 7129728 7148401 7174714 7282805 ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2019
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4102 words, 2,679 images and viewed 3,119 times.
Updated 2 months ago.
A: Adam Ward to Alan Hughes
Adam Ward (6363) 16
6018541 6145775 6166254 6177343 6185333 6195448 6196587 6209343 6227955 ...
Images shortlisted for POTY 2018
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4156 words, 2,698 images and viewed 1,975 times.
Updated 2 months ago.
A: Adam Ward to Alan O'Dowd
Adam Ward (6363) 9
5647469 5646719 5651809 5652442 5652733 5709727 5710539 5901188 5957810 ...
Inns and Public Houses in Norfolk
Article by Adrian S Pye, with 8518 words, 1,038 images and viewed 12,945 times.
Updated 2 months ago.
The number of pubs that have been lost over the years, their names perhaps forever lost into the mists of memory even if the building is still there. So before these ones disappear I thought them worthy of recollection here.
As long as it's Norfolk post your own image of the building and if possible ...
Article by Oast House Archive, with 15104 words, 736 images and viewed 34,379 times.
Updated 10 months ago.
A brief description of different types and list of remaining windmills in Britain and Ireland.
Post Mill
A small wooden mill based on a central pivot, turned manually by a tiller.
2100687 1266329
The remains of this mill show the central post that the whole structure would pivot on.
Village signs of Norfolk
Article by Adrian S Pye, with 2683 words, 1,256 images and viewed 31,538 times.
Updated 28 months ago.
The design usually depicts a particular feature of the village or a scene from its history, heritage, or culture. They are typically made of wood or metal or a combination of both, modern cast and fibreglass signs are becoming more commonplace, the less elaborate are often made within the local ...
War Memorials in Norfolk
Article by Adrian S Pye, with 14823 words, 977 images and viewed 10,085 times.
Updated 33 months ago.
4412942 - 4583181 - 4526928 - 4416847 - 4571635 - 4417969
War Memorials are something all of us pass every day but how much notice do we take of them and do we think of the people behind the names for just two minutes every Remembrance Sunday?
By assembling this collection of roughly ...
Airfields and their Memorials in East Anglia
Article by Adrian S Pye, with 11435 words, 407 images and viewed 12,597 times.
Updated 52 months ago.
During World War Two, over 100 Aerodromes or Airfields were constructed in East Anglia. Most have been returned to agriculture, the occasional runway still exists and a precious few are still used by Flying Clubs and a handful are still in use either with the Royal Air Force, United States Air Force ...
Norfolk Windmills
Gallery started by Evelyn Simak, with 3 posts, 228 images and viewed 2,977 times.
Updated 53 months ago.
748886 Almost 600 watermills are recorded in the 11th century Domesday book. Windmills arrived much later, with the earliest identified site, dating from the 14th century, probably having existed at Barton Bendish. In the early 19th century only about 80 - 90 watermills still existed and there ...
Pillboxes and other military installations in East Anglia
Article by Adrian S Pye, with 693 words, 233 images and viewed 6,028 times.
Updated 93 months ago.
In May 1940, the Directorate of Fortifications and Works (FW3) was set up at the War Office. Its purpose was to provide a number of basic pillbox designs which could be constructed by soldiers and local labour at appropriate defensive locations.
In the following June and ...