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Collections used near tm0143
Events On This Day In History
Article by Thomas Nugent, with 62326 words, 2,246 images and viewed 11,389 times.
Updated 1 days ago.
Events On This Day In History
Every day there are anniversaries of events that have taken place throughout Britain and Ireland over the years. Sometimes Geograph has displayed a picture marking a particular anniversary as ‘Picture of The Day’.
This article is intended to use Geograph ...
Watermills of the Suffolk Rivers
Article by Adrian S Pye, with 3701 words, 162 images and viewed 1,499 times.
Updated 24 days ago.
The 130 odd Suffolk watermills named in the list below is as near as possible a definitive list of known watermill sites in the county of Suffolk.
Where possible each site is accompanied by a map where the location is known. A photograph of the watermill, remains, or ground it once occupied is ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2011
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4285 words, 2,555 images and viewed 3,104 times.
Updated 2 months ago.
A: Adam Ward to Alan Tunnicliffe ...
Images shortlisted for GOTY, 2009
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4667 words, 2,575 images and viewed 2,620 times.
Updated 2 months ago.
A: adam sommerville to Alexander P Kapp ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2022
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 3897 words, 2,620 images and viewed 3,710 times.
Updated 2 months ago.
A: A J Paxton to Ajay Tegala
A J Paxton (24602) 5
7129553 7129728 7148401 7174714 7282805 ...
Village signs of Suffolk
Article by Adrian S Pye, with 1941 words, 867 images and viewed 10,556 times.
Updated 13 months ago.
An ornamental village sign is erected either at a principal road entrance or in a prominent location such as a village green to announce the village name to those entering the village. The design usually depicts a particular feature of the village or a scene from its history, heritage, or culture. ...
Inns and Public Houses in Suffolk
Article by Adrian S Pye, with 5238 words, 624 images and viewed 3,680 times.
Updated 20 months ago.
The number of pubs that have been lost over the years, their names perhaps forever lost into the mists of memory even if the building is still there. So before these ones disappear I thought them worthy of recollection here.
Post an image of the building and if possible the pub name sign.
To ...
Article by John M, with 24335 words, 1,451 images and viewed 19,326 times.
Updated 40 months ago.
The article is open for collective editing.
Watermills in various forms were introduced into Britain and Ireland in the late Roman and early medieval period. Numbers grew through the Medieval Period and at the time of the Domesday Book in 1086 there were around 6500 in England alone. ...
War Memorials in Suffolk
Article by Adrian S Pye, with 11476 words, 701 images and viewed 8,293 times.
Updated 52 months ago.
4345670 4496659 4390489 4537946 4537443
War Memorials are something all of us pass every day but how much notice do we take of them and do we think of the people behind the names inscribed thereon. Some memorials have already been damaged or forgotten.
By assembling this collection which ...
Postal addresses: a little history and a lot of photos
Article by Chris Downer, with 52102 words, 2,760 images and viewed 42,118 times.
Updated 81 months ago.
This article takes a little look back at the history of postal addressing, especially the period in the 1970s when the postcodes became national. We look at post towns, postal counties and postcodes and the way these have developed.
Following this, an album displays a photograph from ...
Tweeted from @geograph_bi in April 2015
Gallery started by Robin Stott, with 1 posts, 202 images and viewed 629 times.
Updated 116 months ago.
A gallery of daily tweets is a way (a) for contributors who subscribe to email notifications to learn that one of their pics has been posted on Geograph's Twitter account ('tweeted'); (b) to show any viewer the quality and range of the photos tweeted without going to Twitter; (c) to ...