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Collections used near sz1999
Images shortlisted for GOTY, 2007
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4054 words, 2,208 images and viewed 2,608 times.
Updated 3 months ago.
A: A Holmes to Alan Walker
A Holmes (13178) 1
Adam Brooks (7979) 1
Adam Ward (6363) 5
Damsels and Dragons
Gallery started by Mike Pennington, with 16 posts, 50 images and viewed 6,521 times.
Updated 133 months ago.
The dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) of Britain and Ireland are a harder group to identify than the butterflies, but here are the species represented on Geograph so far (first identifiable photo of each species only).Revised list in systematic order. Names and taxonomy follow Brooks & Lewington ...