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Collections used near sk2452
Descriptive words on OS maps
Article by David Hawgood, with 20415 words, 1,732 images and viewed 25,292 times.
Updated 2 days ago.
This is a work in progress. Through the Geograph discussion forum we are collecting examples of as many descriptive words as possible used on Ordnance Survey maps, and we want examples of others. We have also worked through OS Mastermap Real World Object Catalogue . This lists anything which can be ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2013
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4540 words, 2,839 images and viewed 4,058 times.
Updated 26 days ago.
A: A Thomas to Albert Bridge
A Thomas (38050) 1 ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2017
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4024 words, 2,600 images and viewed 2,976 times.
Updated 2 months ago.
A: Adam Ward to Alan Reid
Adam Ward (6363) 5
5248509 5265557 5353603 5629764 5629590 ...
Images shortlisted for GOTY, 2009
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4667 words, 2,575 images and viewed 2,620 times.
Updated 3 months ago.
A: adam sommerville to Alexander P Kapp ...
Images shortlisted for GOTY, 2008
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4182 words, 2,382 images and viewed 2,481 times.
Updated 3 months ago.
A: Adam Ward to AlastairG
Adam Ward (6363) 8
652124 653759 836599 881748 1039680 1108211 1108514 1110124
Adie Jackson (14680) 1 ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2023
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 3950 words, 2,632 images and viewed 2,889 times.
Updated 3 months ago.
A: A J Paxton to AJD
A J Paxton (24602) 17
7439640 7440953 7452414 7453120 7457428 7463762 7476781 7502562 7521399 7547667 7572296 7574557 7574568 7597678 7636396 7662933 7677525 ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2022
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 3897 words, 2,620 images and viewed 3,711 times.
Updated 3 months ago.
A: A J Paxton to Ajay Tegala
A J Paxton (24602) 5
7129553 7129728 7148401 7174714 7282805 ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2020
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 3979 words, 2,603 images and viewed 2,456 times.
Updated 3 months ago.
A: Adam Ward to AJD
Adam Ward (6363) 18
6362103 6387518 6387562 6387588 6485559 6495295 6502420 ...
Article by Oast House Archive, with 15104 words, 736 images and viewed 34,458 times.
Updated 11 months ago.
A brief description of different types and list of remaining windmills in Britain and Ireland.
Post Mill
A small wooden mill based on a central pivot, turned manually by a tiller.
2100687 1266329
The remains of this mill show the central post that the whole structure would pivot on.
Crinkle-crankle or serpentine walls
Gallery started by Penny Mayes, with 13 posts, 156 images and viewed 10,508 times.
Updated 20 months ago.
Also known as crinkum-crankum, serpentine, ribbon or wavy walls, crinkle-crankle walls are a way of economising on bricks. In spite of their sinuous shape they are stable when built just one brick thick without the need for buttresses.They are associated with East Anglia but as the map of these ...
Tweeted from @geograph_bi in January 2015
Gallery started by Robin Stott, with 8 posts, 170 images and viewed 1,269 times.
Updated 118 months ago.
A gallery of daily tweets is a way (a) for contributors who subscribe to email notifications to learn that one of their pics has been posted on Geograph's Twitter account ('tweeted'); (b) to show any viewer the quality and range of the photos tweeted without going to Twitter; (c) to ...
The Lord of the Squares - A Story
Article by Lynne Kirton, with 8237 words, 64 images and viewed 4,782 times.
Updated 213 months ago.
Background to the story
It was first posted in the Submitted Articles section of the forum in 11 episodes between January 18th and February 12th 2006. The idea came when, whilst browsing, I found Fasgal- sorry, Fasgadh's photo of Middle Meadow. Being a dyed-in-the-wool Lord of the Rings fan, my ...