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Collections used near se4326
Events On This Day In History
Article by Thomas Nugent, with 62073 words, 2,229 images and viewed 11,330 times.
Updated 2 days ago.
Events On This Day In History
Every day there are anniversaries of events that have taken place throughout Britain and Ireland over the years. Sometimes Geograph has displayed a picture marking a particular anniversary as ‘Picture of The Day’.
This article is intended to use Geograph ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2012
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4638 words, 2,790 images and viewed 3,096 times.
Updated 2 months ago.
A: A runningman to Albert Bridge ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2011
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4285 words, 2,555 images and viewed 3,103 times.
Updated 2 months ago.
A: Adam Ward to Alan Tunnicliffe ...
Images shortlisted for GOTY, 2009
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4667 words, 2,575 images and viewed 2,617 times.
Updated 2 months ago.
A: adam sommerville to Alexander P Kapp ...
Images shortlisted for GOTY, 2008
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4182 words, 2,382 images and viewed 2,469 times.
Updated 2 months ago.
A: Adam Ward to AlastairG
Adam Ward (6363) 8
652124 653759 836599 881748 1039680 1108211 1108514 1110124
Adie Jackson (14680) 1 ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2022
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 3897 words, 2,620 images and viewed 3,201 times.
Updated 2 months ago.
A: A J Paxton to Ajay Tegala
A J Paxton (24602) 5
7129553 7129728 7148401 7174714 7282805 ...
Class 142 diesel multiple units
Article by JThomas, with 3351 words, 368 images and viewed 3,201 times.
Updated 10 months ago.
[img=https://media.geograph.org.uk/files/1700002963a49da13542e0726b7bb758/142_front.jpg Northern Rail Class 142 - Retford Railway Station]
Class 142 diesel multiple units were conceived during hard times at British Rail in the early 1980s. Based on an original bus design they were ...
New Year's Day 2001 and earlier
Article by Penny Mayes, with 1070 words, 116 images and viewed 2,514 times.
Updated 15 months ago.
A selection of images, one from each contributor, said to have been taken on 1 January 2001 and earlier years.
This was before Geograph was born. I have weeded out some images which were obviously not taken in January (scanning dates or dead camera batteries may have featured), and a few others ...
Class 144 diesel multiple units
Article by JThomas, with 995 words, 112 images and viewed 1,559 times.
Updated 16 months ago.
[img=https://media.geograph.org.uk/files/1700002963a49da13542e0726b7bb758/144_front.jpg Northern Class 144, No. 144008 Carnforth Station]
British Rail Class 144 "Pacer" diesel multiple units (DMUs) were built by BREL Derby between 1986 and 1987. Twenty-three Class 144 units were ...
My 2023 Calendar
Gallery started by Robin Stott, with 7 posts, 156 images and viewed 1,924 times.
Updated 27 months ago.
6904037 cover 5699396 5699375 7228558 5570368 7219997 6327779 5988984 6969112 6963979 7007515 7086753 7173041 6954404 cover 7075258 7115223 7134581 7140450 7182462 7258738 7238506 7275698 6964034 7004826 7029485 7038429 7218396 Cover image 7086989 7110538 ...
Article by John M, with 24335 words, 1,451 images and viewed 19,313 times.
Updated 40 months ago.
The article is open for collective editing.
Watermills in various forms were introduced into Britain and Ireland in the late Roman and early medieval period. Numbers grew through the Medieval Period and at the time of the Domesday Book in 1086 there were around 6500 in England alone. ...
WW1 Great War Centenary - Drill Halls
Article by John M, with 13781 words, 1,165 images and viewed 30,058 times.
Updated 61 months ago.
Drill halls were built from 1860 for the local Rifle Volunteer Corps funded by public subscription or local benefactors. This became more formalised with the 1863 Volunteer Act. The units required a secure armoury and place to train. Initially this may have been found in the town hall, ...
WW1 Great War Centenary - Auxiliary Hospitals
Article by John M, with 13227 words, 786 images and viewed 44,535 times.
Updated 68 months ago.
4134493 The British Red Cross WW1 Centenary Project are collecting memories and records for their work during the Great War. The Geograph Project can supplement this by providing a record of the surviving buildings that were used during this ...
Collaborative Landforms Gallery
Article by Barry Hunter, with 6982 words, 753 images and viewed 10,483 times.
Updated 72 months ago.
Collection of photos illistrating various landforms noted in Wikipedia articles... (more)
Postal addresses: a little history and a lot of photos
Article by Chris Downer, with 52102 words, 2,760 images and viewed 42,059 times.
Updated 81 months ago.
This article takes a little look back at the history of postal addressing, especially the period in the 1970s when the postcodes became national. We look at post towns, postal counties and postcodes and the way these have developed.
Following this, an album displays a photograph from ...
Buildings or places which are no longer there.
Gallery started by Christine Matthews, with 26 posts, 146 images and viewed 15,987 times.
Updated 152 months ago.
457935 2007 886888 2008House in Broad Walk, Winchmore Hill, N.21, which has now been demolished. If you look at the lamppost you will see where the house was. 42526 2001Houses at Birling Gap, East Sussex. I understand that more of these houses have been lost. 107668 1923 672980 1999The Red ...
Cancer Research UK - Shops
Gallery started by Roy Hughes, with 2 posts, 48 images and viewed 934 times.
Updated 154 months ago.
NORTHERN IRELAND 152073 SCOTLAND 536403 1801736 THE MIDLANDS 1102004 2447416 2435551 2721939 2721945 2730399 2878111 3040172 3040189 3096668 3157560 3206450 3482583 3960910 3982215 THE NORTH 2221432 2124400 2075901 2020936 1890451 1852650 1788054 1733533 ...
A Century (and more) of Birds ...
Gallery started by Mike Pennington, with 15 posts, 207 images and viewed 6,644 times.
Updated 178 months ago.
Almost 600 species of birds have been recorded in Britain and Ireland, although only about 250 occur regularly.Here are 100 of them. They are all WILD birds (no cagebirds, farmyards birds, escapees etc.) and any photos where the identification is basically down to the photographer (i.e. it can’t be ...