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Collections used near nx6162
FUNGI ON GEOGRAPH and some notes about fungi
Article by M J Richardson, with 964 words, 180 images and viewed 2,314 times.
Updated 1 days ago.
Until relatively recently fungi [one fungus, several fungi] were considered to be plants, but molecular studies have shown them to be a separate kingdom of living organisms, on a par with plants and animals. With bacteria and invertebrates they are the great recyclers, returning nutrients to the ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2015
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4260 words, 2,667 images and viewed 2,845 times.
Updated 1 months ago.
A: Adam C Snape to Alan Richards
Adam C Snape (122082) 1
4769850 ...
New Year's Day 2008
Article by Penny Mayes, with 484 words, 108 images and viewed 356 times.
Updated 19 months ago.
There were 'Happy New Year' threads in the forum in 2008, but no forum-based collection of photos taken on New Year's Day. However, 108 contributors took and submitted photos of their outings on the day.
It was murky in the north of the Union with one instance of snow in the east, some blue skies ...
UK's first Dark Sky Park
Gallery started by Natasha Ceridwen de Chroustchoff, with 1 posts, 8 images and viewed 933 times.
Updated 178 months ago.
The Galloway Forest has been nominated as the best place in Britain to view the night sky. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/8362265.stm 998350 875379 378850 817310 532670 1401021 429055 1371949 | | UK's first Dark Sky Park