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Collections used near nr3645
My own day in History
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 5452 words, 2,060 images and viewed 11,083 times.
Updated 4 days ago.
The discussion topic "This day in history" has now been running for over 10 years. Initially it generated a lot of interest and attracted a lot of contributors. But latterly interest has dwindled to such an extent that there are only four contributors still in the game - namely John ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2012
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4638 words, 2,790 images and viewed 3,097 times.
Updated 2 months ago.
A: A runningman to Albert Bridge ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2010
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4565 words, 2,621 images and viewed 2,893 times.
Updated 2 months ago.
A: A Holmes to AlastairG ...
Scotch Malt Whisky Distilleries
Article by Anne Burgess, with 2232 words, 855 images and viewed 8,260 times.
Updated 64 months ago.
Whisky, Uisge Beatha, the Water of Life, is one of Scotland's best-known products, enjoyed by millions the world over. Note that in Scotland, the word 'Scotch' is always an adjective, and never a noun. Only foreigners ever ask for 'a Scotch', because it's assumed that if you ask for a whisky, or a ...
Postal addresses: a little history and a lot of photos
Article by Chris Downer, with 52102 words, 2,760 images and viewed 42,065 times.
Updated 81 months ago.
This article takes a little look back at the history of postal addressing, especially the period in the 1970s when the postcodes became national. We look at post towns, postal counties and postcodes and the way these have developed.
Following this, an album displays a photograph from ...
Tweeted from @geograph_bi in March 2015
Gallery started by Robin Stott, with 1 posts, 174 images and viewed 1,137 times.
Updated 117 months ago.
A gallery of daily tweets is a way (a) for contributors who subscribe to email notifications to learn that one of their pics has been posted on Geograph's Twitter account ('tweeted'); (b) to show any viewer the quality and range of the photos tweeted without going to Twitter; (c) to ...