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Collections used near h2344
Irish Castles
Article by Oast House Archive, with 14389 words, 1,059 images and viewed 49,575 times.
Updated 1 months ago.
1542578 List of surviving Castles in Ireland.
This does not include earthworks and demolished castles.
Also see England, Scotland and Wales
Antrim to Cavan
*| Photo | Region | Castle | Grid Square |
| - | Antrim | Ballycastle Castle | - |
| 428618 | Antrim ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2013
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4540 words, 2,839 images and viewed 4,086 times.
Updated 1 months ago.
A: A Thomas to Albert Bridge
A Thomas (38050) 1 ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2015
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4260 words, 2,667 images and viewed 2,965 times.
Updated 3 months ago.
A: Adam C Snape to Alan Richards
Adam C Snape (122082) 1
4769850 ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2012
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4638 words, 2,790 images and viewed 3,122 times.
Updated 3 months ago.
A: A runningman to Albert Bridge ...
Images shortlisted for POTY, 2010
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4565 words, 2,621 images and viewed 2,897 times.
Updated 3 months ago.
A: A Holmes to AlastairG ...
Images shortlisted for GOTY, 2008
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4182 words, 2,382 images and viewed 2,494 times.
Updated 3 months ago.
A: Adam Ward to AlastairG
Adam Ward (6363) 8
652124 653759 836599 881748 1039680 1108211 1108514 1110124
Adie Jackson (14680) 1 ...
Images shortlisted for GOTY, 2007
Article by Oliver Dixon, with 4054 words, 2,208 images and viewed 2,606 times.
Updated 3 months ago.
A: A Holmes to Alan Walker
A Holmes (13178) 1
Adam Brooks (7979) 1
Adam Ward (6363) 5
Postal addresses: a little history and a lot of photos
Article by Chris Downer, with 52102 words, 2,760 images and viewed 42,191 times.
Updated 82 months ago.
This article takes a little look back at the history of postal addressing, especially the period in the 1970s when the postcodes became national. We look at post towns, postal counties and postcodes and the way these have developed.
Following this, an album displays a photograph from ...
Church and other public clocks, Northern Ireland
Article by Albert Bridge, with 741 words, 206 images and viewed 3,147 times.
Updated 85 months ago.
This is a collection of photographs, taken by several members, showing some (of the many) church and other public clocks in Northern Ireland. It does not pretend to show them all but will be updated as and when necessary.
The photographs are listed, alphabetically, by city, town and village. Click ...
Tweeted from @geograph_bi in December 2015
Gallery started by Robin Stott, with 4 posts, 147 images and viewed 575 times.
Updated 108 months ago.
A selection of Geograph photos tweeted or retweeted in November โ 5 a day! Regular tweeters are Bob Harvey, Richard Humphrey, Roger Jones, Julian Osley and myself. Inclusion in this gallery ensures that you'll be notified if one of your photos has been posted (if you subscribed to notifications ...
Gallery started by Colin Smith, with 48 posts, 351 images and viewed 12,446 times.
Updated 177 months ago.
Castles by county mostly - with some county boundaries and names changing through time.Castles - Aberdeenshire ["Castle Country", with "Castle trail"] 447229 96559 477241 507903 446077 463640 476318 13971 3069 94019 115946 114446 117811 138244 172987 ...