Grid reference SE2041
near to Yeadon, Leeds, England
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Motomouth - High Street
Yeadon West Yorkshire
The busy High Street in Yeadon West Yorkshire.
Lake in the park
Cricket is played below the lake in the summer, but in winter after rain much of the park is squelchy, but this does not deter those walking their dogs.
The Robin Hood Public House
On Kirk Lane, Yeadon.
The Old Mill, Miry Lane, Yeadon - north side
The former woollen mill is not listed but according to Historic England, quoted on a local news website, there was a mill on this site, known as The Old Mill or colloquially as T’owd Dog – in 1792, built by Joseph Cawthray as the first... (more)
Yeadon Town Hall
A wider angle showing the north east face of the Town Hall, A benchmark is cut into the 3rd course of stone, on the right cornerstone.
The view of Yeadon from The Chevin, with Emley Moor TV tower in the distance.
Footpath across Yeadon Banks
Looking northward in the direction of West Carlton.
Yeadon Banks
Public open space at the northern end of Yeadon - favoured by the walkers of dogs.
North Terrace - Haw Lane
Steam engine, Manor Mill, Yeadon
Built 1920 by Pollit & Wigzell of Sowerby Bridge. This is a standard single rod tandem as opposed to Pollit's patent three rod design with two low pressure piston rods, one either side of the high pressure cylinder.
This engine... (more)
Yeadon, track near Millbank
According to the OS benchmark database there is a cutmark in the wall of a works building which previously was at this location. The building has been demolished and new housing is now in its place. Some of the wall has survived and the... (more)