Grid reference SE3531
3 km from Woodlesford, Leeds, England
Explore gridsquare SE3531
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Asphalt Track squeezed between Spring Wood and the M1
Muddy bridleway, Spring Wood
The path forms part of the network of permissive bridleways on the Temple Newsam estate known as the Trailway.
Farmland south of Pontefract Road
Gate, Pontefract Lane
Pontefract Lane North Bridge, M1 Motorway J45
The Bridge forms part of a roundabout junction between the new East Leeds Radial route A63 and the M1 Motorway. The deck consists of prestressed concrete beams joined into a continuous form of construction to minimise the number of... (more)
Bridleway south of Temple Newsam Country Park
To the right of the photo is the M1 motorway.
Out of season broom
It's December, but this broom on the path between Pegasus Wood and the M1 north is in flower.
Green lane, Temple Newsam Park
The M1 from Temple Newsam Country Park, Leeds
Construction seen from Lakeside Way, Skelton, Leeds
A truck and a petrol station, Leeds Skelton Lake Services, M1
Pegasus Wood
Woodland to the south of Temple Newsam House, commemorating veterans of the Normandy Landing at Pegasus Bridge in 1944.