near to Cheesden, Rochdale, England
We have
21 images
in grid square SD8217
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for SD8217
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Rochdale Road
by David Dixon
The A680 between Cheesden and Turn.
Cheesden Brook upper valley
by John H Darch
A turbine from Scout Moor windfarm intrudes on the horizon.
Cheesden Brook near Paradise
by michael ely
View SW as the brook flows off the moor towards the A680 and beyond to meet the River Roch. Here the brook forms the borough boundary between Rochdale (left of shot) and Rossendale (right of shot).
Four Acre Mill remains
Most of the masonry remains are around the wheel pit with the mill pond embankment above
View down Grain Brook
by liz dawson
Grain Brook as it runs below Higher Hill.
Ashworth Moor Reservoir and Tom Hill seen in the background
Rossendale Way descending off Scout Moor into the Irwell Valley
by Chris Heaton
Track, marked as Coal Road, gradually descending into the distant Irwell Valley from the Scout Moor Wind Farm
Rochdale Road, A680 - towards Rochdale
The converse view of the A680 to SD8217 : Rochdale Road, A680 - towards Edenfield.
Its Cold Up Here
One of the many sheep that roam the moors around Rossendale in all kinds of weather is seen here next to the Rossendale Way public footpath.
SD8217 : Rossendale Way Footpath
Training the dog
by Gill Stott
View across Turf Moor towards Cowpe Moss. Young sheep dog learning the ropes.
View over Paradise
by Bill Boaden
Paradise is in the small clough in the centre foreground. I don't know how it got its name, but I'm hoping the real paradise is better. The path leaves it by the tree on the left.
Rochdale Road (A680)
by JThomas
Looking north west.
There is supposed to be a path here
by Bill Boaden
The path crosses this wall, but it appears very few people come here. The ground is very squelchy.
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