Grid reference SE2713
near to Midgley, Wakefield, England
Explore gridsquare SE2713
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The track to Bower hill.
Walking the Wakefield way footpath.
Denby Dale Road approaching Bentley Spring woods
A636 towards Wakefield
Old Milestone by the A636, Denby Dale Road, West Bretton
Milestone by the A636, in parish of West Bretton (Wakefield District), Denby Dale Road, ⅓ mile South West of roundabout with A637, half way down straight hill, in verge, side of field, near electricity pylon EP 24.
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Track and footpath alongside Wilderness Plantation
Earnshaw's timber company manage the plantation.
Denby Dale Road, West Bretton
Here the road cuts through the wood called Bentley Spring. The name 'spring' implies coppicing, a form of woodland management much used from medieval times to the 19C or early 20C, but I think the woods have since been replanted.
Restricted byway in Bretton Park
Yorkshire Sculpture Park
This is one of the sculptures, silhouetted against the sky on a beautiful April day.
Junction of 2 paths, Bower Hill Plantation
Currently 2 footpaths cross here, but Wakefield Borough Council have plans to change their designation to a road and a bridleway.
View of the Yorkshire Sculpture park through a Henry Moore Sculpture
Track to Bank Wood off Denby Dale Road, West Bretton
This leads to what looks on the OS map to be a former mine ('Old Shaft'). A pity the track is not a right of way.
Old barn west of Seven Acre Plantation