Grid reference SJ9879
near to Kettleshulme, Cheshire East, England
Explore gridsquare SJ9879
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Methodist Church, Kettleshulme
Built 1901, this is now the only place of worship in Kettleshulme, used by both Methodists and Anglicans. This photo is taken from the rather unusual footpath that runs from the Swan Inn through a garden centre.
Towards Sponds Hill
Higher Lane
West of Kettleshulme.
Spout House Farm, Kettleshulme
Kettleshulme prospect
From the aptly named Higher Lane offering wide prospects East and South.
Sundial in Kettleshulme
A small piece of community land.
Towards Slaters Green Farm
The B5470 at Kettleshulme
Old Milestone by the B5470, east of Gnathole
Carved stone post by the B5470, in parish of Lyme Handley (Macclesfield District), Macclesfield Road; 80m East of Gnathole; West of The Reed Farm, on grass verge, on South side of road. Chapel Wedge, erected by the Macclesfield to Chapel en... (more)
Looking Down on Kettleshulme
Not an airborne camera shot, but this view from the slopes of Reed Hill by Higher Lane could give that impression. Judging by the contour lines on the O/S map, the viewpoint is some 150 metres higher than the view. Looking ESE.
Kettleshulme village entrance sign on B5470
Rusty footpath sign by Side End Lane