Grid reference SK2265
near to Alport, Derbyshire, England
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Bridleway Crossing Haddon Fields
Linear Public Bridleway that runs from the lip of Lathkill Dale across to a point on the A6 road near to Haddon Hall. The Hall can be deciphered directly ahead, situated in gridsquare SK2366.
Flooded Quarry
Part of Shiningbank quarry now worked out.
Large open field, Haddon Fields
A large field of stubble in an area which is otherwise largely grazing land.
Footpath entering Baltic Wood
Shining Bank Quarry, between Bakewell and Youlgreave, Derbyshire
For a quarry that was closing with the loss of all 16 jobs in 2005, and where much reclamation work followed, it seemed to be very active in September 2011.
Looks like this may be going for roadstone?
Footpath to the south of Haddon Fields
Nature reclaiming Shiningbank Quarry
Grasses, shrubs and trees starting to colonise the spoil, ducks on the water
(which is still being pumped in) and crows roosting on the cliff faces
Footpaths cross on Haddon Fields
Gate, Haddon Plantation
Stile & footpath sign, SW of Haddon Hall
Stile, Haddon Fields
Footpath to Haddon Plantation,
Stone Stile, Over Haddon