near to Skegness, Lincolnshire, England
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56 images
in grid square TF5762
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View across the South Beach at Skegness
by Mat Fascione
The boulders are part of some sea defences along Lagoon Walk. The empty beach is heading south towards the Gibraltar Point National Nature Reserve.
Skegness - Car Park and Dunes |
Ever Get The Feeling ...
by Ian Paterson
.. that you are being followed? Perhaps that is the sensation this beachcomber is experiencing as the Lynn Offshore Windfarm looms in the distance.
Skegness, beach and windfarm
by Rob Farrow
A rivulet snakes down to the sea on the sandy beach at Skegness. Out to sea, a large and growing windfarm is being constructed. Famously "oh so bracing" there should be plenty of wind to make the turbines turn.
For a close-up of... (more)
Boatyard, Skegness |
Armada kite surfing festival, on the dunes at Skegness
by David Martin
Dunes, Skegness
by JThomas
Walk on the beach, Skegness
A winter's walk on the south beach at Skegness.
Beach access at Princes Parade, Skegness
by habiloid
Skegness Beach
The steps down to the beach have become buried in the sand. On the horizon is a forest of wind turbines which actually comprise three separate wind farms. Lynn and Inner Dowsing were the first to be built, becoming operational in 2008 with... (more)
Skegness: across a lagoon
by Chris Downer
Looking across a small lagoon between the prom and the beach, which is beyond the low dunes in the background. The sea is not quite visible in this direction from here, but we can make out an offshore wind farm in the distance.
Skegness beach
by E Gammie
The cloud keeps rolling in but it is clear enough to see the outline of the coast near Hunstanton on the far side of The Wash.
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