Grid reference SJ9941
near to Draycott in The Moors, Staffordshire, England
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4 images
for SJ9941
Farm, Coneygreaves
Huntley Wood
Huntley Wood disguises an old sand and gravel quarry. It's huge and the sign says it's being restored.
There are many similar quarries in this area. Restoration appears to involve smoothing out the harsher edges, filling in... (more)
In Huntley Wood
Huntley Wood is next to an old sand and gravel quarry and the footpath has been moved away from the edge of the quarry to allow some restoration work to take place.
Huntley Wood quarry
There are signs to say keep out. There are two strong fences to ensure that happens. Restoration of the old quarry is actively being pursued. This bit is already well wooded with silver birch, etc. The remains of lakes can just be seen... (more)