near to Bradmore, Nottinghamshire, England
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26 images
in grid square SK5731
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images taken from SK5731 [1]
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for SK5731
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Rushcliffe Country Park
by David Brown
Road beside Rushcliffe Country Park
by David Lally
This road starts at the A60 between the entrance to the Country Park and Bradmore and leads to a couple of farms. It is a gated private road but at the next bend a public footpath branches off and heads for Bradmore. Some properties in... (more)
Rejoining the track
Having left the farm track to follow the field headland along the hedge to the right, the footpath now rejoins the track leading to Moor Farm (behind the camera). The reasons for these circumstances are explained here... (more)
Paths in Rushcliffe Country Park
by Chris Morgan
Reed Beds in Rushcliffe Country Park
by Peter Shone
These reed beds lie at the South Western end of the lake in Rushcliffe Country Park, and provide shelter and nest sites for water fowl. The lake is artificial, the park has been built on a former Royal Ordnance factory site.
Footpath along southern edge of Rushcliffe Country Park
At the southern side of the junction of which SK5731 : Fork in the path, Rushcliffe Country Park is part.
Reed Beds in Rushcliffe Country Park
Recreating this 'First' for the square Link
Path in Rushcliffe Country Park
by Chris Morgan
Seedheads in the wildflower meadow
by Peter Shone
This is an early autumn view of the wildflower meadow at the South East corner of Rushcliffe Country Park, in the far left of the picture is Long Manor Farm.
View from Rushcliffe Country Park
In the wildflower meadow looking south to Long Manor.
Path in Rushcliffe Country Park
by Graham Hogg
Fork in the path, Rushcliffe Country Park
Here, the path alongside the southern part of Ruddington Business Park forks to form a triangular junction with the path along the southern edge of the country park.
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