near to Barleythorpe, Rutland, England
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143 images
in grid square SK8509
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Lands End Outlet Store
by Malcolm Neal
This is the outlet / sale store for Lands End at their head office in England. There is also a good cafe / restaurant that the public can use, though it is primarily for the staff of the company to take their breaks and meals. The store can... (more)
Old Cemetery Lodge
by Ibn Musa
Industrial Estate, Oakham
by Kate Jewell
Lands End distribution warehouse and offices. The "factory" shop is here as well.
Richard Bull Centre
by John M
The art and design centre at Oakham School is named after a former headmaster.
Entrance to The Parks School
The Parks School is a Local Authority Community Special School.
Oakham: a terrace on Station Road
by John Sutton
Cloud had yet to clear early in the afternoon.
Oakham Station sign
by N Chadwick
Oakham: The Grainstore Brewery |
Lands End Way, Oakham |
Station Buildings, Oakham. 2004
by Gordon Cragg
The railway station buildings at Oakham in 2004.
Remains of the old buildings of Catmose College |
Former Midland Railway grain store, Oakham
The Grainstore Brewery since 1995.
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