near to Shadingfield, Suffolk, England
We have
24 images
in grid square TM4283
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images taken from TM4283 [1]
A sample of 12 photos from 24
for TM4283
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Footpath And Farmers Track
by Keith Evans
Footpath and farmers track looking east near to Shadingfield, Suffolk.
Path around Titsal Wood
by Helen Steed
Footpath/farm track near Wood Farm
by Glen Denny
From the junction one footpath follows the farm track past Wood Farm heading towards the A145.
Footpath past Titsal Wood
by Graham Horn
Looking east towards Shadingfield. This is a good farm track between arable land and woodland that has just footpath status.
Path by Titsal Wood
by Helen Steed
New Bridleway Bridge
by Glen Denny
The bridleway currently shown on the map as passing to the south of the stream now diverts to the north side of the stream to meet the, as yet, unmarked bridleway and in doing so crosses this substantial bridge. Some idea of the height of... (more)
Titsal Wood
by Graham Horn
A stream runs parallel to the track in the foreground. Evidence of pheasant rearing in the woodland.
Footpath and Farm driveway
by Glen Denny
Heading west from the junction the footpath shares the driveway to the farm. On the corner can be seen the footpath finger post while just beyond the end of the hedge is a new junction with a diverted footpath that heads towards the... (more)
New house on the site of Cobbold's Farm
by Adrian S Pye
An ancient site where extensive footing extending well beyond the old farm house which stood here for two centuries or more, suggesting that this could have been the site of an Old Brampton Hall or at least a Manor house at some time in the... (more)
Approaching Titsal Wood
by Graham Horn
Titsal Wood dominates this square, and similarly dominates the landscape. Here the western part of the wood is seen from an east-west footpath, with another path going south just seen to the right.
Approach to Craven Farm
by Graham Horn
This is the farm track to Craven Farm and Wood Farm. It has just footpath status.
Footpath following Farm Track towards Titsal Wood
by Glen Denny
From the junction with the bridleway the footpath follows a farm track, which takes it around the western edge of Titsal Wood.
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