near to Rendham, Suffolk, England
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154 images
in grid square TM3464
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for TM3464
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Rendham Court
by Keith Evans
Rendham Court near to Rendham, Suffolk.
Cottages in Rendham (set of 3 images)
by Evelyn Simak
The White Horse Public House, Sweffling
by Geographer
At the crossroads of the B1119 Low Road & Glemham Road
Grass verge on B1119 at Rendham, Suffolk |
Rendham, St. Michael's Church: South doorway |
River Alde at the bridge, Rendham
The view upstream, with a flooded meadow beyond.
In 1907 a lifesize bronze head of the Emperor Claudius was found in the river here, possibly a trophy of Boudica's raid on Colchester.
For more details see... (more)
The White Horse, Rendham
by Adrian S Pye
Minor road near Rendham |
The Pulpit of St.Michael's Church, Rendham
by Geographer
Off the B1119
Rendham Village Hall and Juniper Barn
by Martin Dawes
Village Hall to the left built in 1841, the path from car park to the church, and Juniper Barn to the right. A cafe and village shop. Excellent food and when you are self catering it ticks all the boxes
Sandy Lane, Rendham
by Geographer
At the junction with Chapel Road
Road No.U2508
St Michael's church, Rendham
by Bikeboy
Some parts of the church are C15 but it was extensively restored in 1852.
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