Grid reference TM3556
near to Blaxhall, Suffolk, England
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Footpath to Old Barn Cottages
Looking back to Station Road
St. Peter, Blaxhall
Blaxhall Stone
Blaxhall Stone near to Tunstall, Suffolk for info see Link
Blaxhall St Peter’s church
Sheep were grazing in the churchyard, keeping the grass nicely trimmed. There are some signs of a much earlier church as there is a piece of 12th c. carved stone built into the west wall of the nave. This 500-year-old church is showing its... (more)
St Peter, Blaxhall- war memorial
The seminal “Guide to Suffolk Churches” (Mortlock, D.P: Cambridge, The Lutterworth Press, 2009 revision ISBN 978 0 7188 3076 2) informs us that the memorial was created by Ellen Mary Rope, one of several in the area.
Church in the middle of nowhere
The War Memorial at Blaxhall
The Memorial Bears the names of 14 men lost in WW1 and a further 4 lost in WW2.
St. Peter's Church, Blaxhall
Field off Station Road
St Peter, Blaxhall- the creed
West doorway of St Peter's Church
Pevsner, touring Suffolk in 1961, described this as "pretty": "Hook mould with fleurons, spandrels with an angel and a monster-head. Quatrefoil frieze in flushwork over."
Footpath to Old Barn Cottages
Off Station Road