Grid reference SP2953
near to Walton, Warwickshire, England
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9 images
for SP2953
Frizhill Wood
Looking NE from the road at Friz Hill with the woodland on the right and the ground rising in the distance towards Moreton Paddox.
Frizhill Wood
View SE as the B4086 Wellesbourne to Kineton road enters Frizhill Wood.
Frizhill Wood
Only stubble was left in this large field of wheat after the harvesting. The field are in a triangle of land between Firzhill Woods and the Kineton to Wellesbourne road.
Log pile in Bath Hill Wood
Private woodland with visitor access down this track to the Landmark Trust property "The Bath House" which is a bit further along.
Walton Hill Farm Cottages
These cottages must have a lovely view south towards the Cotswolds but they are also rather exposed. They are seen here looking SW from the Wellesbourne Road.
In Bath Hill Wood
Tree cutting going on along here, with this machine lifting and stacking the logs.
Clearing in Bath Hill Wood
Frizhill House Entrance
The long drive from Kineton Road.
Friz Hill approaching Wellesbourne