Grid reference TM1250
near to Great Blakenham, Suffolk, England
Explore gridsquare TM1250
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Mason's Cement Works Stack, Great Blakenham
This landmark has recently been demolished. It was 120 m high and was built in 1966. For more details, see Link.
A14, Claydon
The slip road on the left is for traffic joining the A14 at junction 52 (Claydon Roundabout).
A14 eastbound approaching the junction for Claydon
Gipping Road, Great Blakenham (set of 2 images)
Opposite Jack Brand Ltd
Former gravel pit at Great Blakenham
A footpath from the Barham picnic site crosses a spit of land between two popular fishing lakes that have been formed from old gravel pits.
Barham village sign (recoloured)
The church tower, being the oldest structure in the parish, and the cedar tree under which William Kirby, considered to be the founder of entomology, used to study butterflies are the main subjects. A butterfly in the top right refers to... (more)
A14 northbound
Here following the River Gipping valley.
Claydon station (remains), 1985
View southward, towards Ipswich and London: ex-GER London - Ipswich - Norwich main line. Although the wires are up, electric trains had only begun to reach Ipswich on 13/5/85 and did not run on to Norwich until 11/5/87! However, this... (more)
Henry VIII Farmhouse, Barham
Formerly known as Lower Farmhouse, the building dates back to the early 16th Century and is a Grade II Listed Building.
Row of Terraced houses, Station Rd
Norwich Road (National Cycle Route 51)
Towards Ipswich.
Premises of Jack Brand Ltd
Near the level crossing in Great Blakenham Link