Grid reference SO8843
near to Kinnersley, Worcestershire, England
Explore gridsquare SO8843
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Straw field at Dunstall
Large straw bales in a field to the north of Dunstall Common.
Dunstall Farm
Looking north off Dunstall Common
Fallen tree, Croome Park
The park was originally planted to a scheme of Capability Brown in the mid eighteenth century. Now many of the trees have reached the end of their lives. However, much new planting has been done but it will be several decades before the... (more)
Croome River, Croome Park
Track (footpath), Dunstall Common
Inside the Park Seat, Croome Park
Inside the Park Seat, also known as the Owl’s Nest, which was designed by Robert Adam and built between 1770-2.
Two Cormorants at Croome
Utilising the 300mm zoom to show an adult and juvenile cormorant seen in context in SO8843 : Croome River.
View to the Malvern Hills
View across a field of frozen winter cereals to the Malvern Hills on the horizon.
The Croome River
Looking northwards from the southern end of Capability Brown's artificial lake. Fed by a very small stream, Brown made the waterway into an impressive 'river' for the Earl of Coventry.
Park Seat
Situated at the south end of Croome Park, this Grade II listed Bath stone structure was built in 1772 by Robert Adam. The building was in a poor state of repair but it has now been fully restored via funding from Natural England. Also known... (more)
Scots Pine
On the old Croome Court estate land.
The Malvern Hills in the far distance including British Camp behind the trunk.
Croome Landscape Park
This is typical of the west side of the park. Cattle graze freely.