Grid reference SU5998
near to Chiselhampton, Oxfordshire, England
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B480, Chiselhampton
Towards Oxford, carrying extra traffic diverted from the A4074 which was closed towards Oxford at Golden Balls.
Sheep on a Frosty Morning
A cold December day on meadowland by the River Thame at Chiselhampton.
The River Thame at Chiselhampton (set of 2 images)
Brook by footpath off B480
Brook a tributary of nearby River Thame by footpath off B480
The Coach and Horses
Chiselhampton's pub, which we passed on Shakespeare's Way, and did not go in!
The Coach & Horses, Chiselhampton
Farmland, Stadhampton
Arable land to the west of the River Thame.
The Coach & Horses, Chiselhampton
B480 crosses River Thame at Chiselhampton Bridge
Camoys Court
An old house dating in part from the 14th century. It is still surrounded by quite a deep moat, which you can see in the foreground.
Not much water in it here, but when the nearby river floods, which it frequently does without too much... (more)