Grid reference ST4688
near to Rogiet, Monmouthshire/Sir Fynwy, Wales
Explore gridsquare ST4688
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Lake in Dewstow Gardens, near Caerwent
Grotto in Dewstow underground gardens
These are Grade 1 listed gardens under the ground. Fantastic place, lost for half a century and then found again.
Entrance to the rock garden, Dewstow Gardens
Side road in Dewstow
Viewed from the corner of Dewstow Road between Caldicot and Caerwent.
This side road ends at the edge of the M48 motorway about 550 metres ahead.
Air Grilles for the underworld at Dewstow
The grilles give away locations of the subterranean passages in the grounds South of Dewstow House
Chestnut Drive, Rogiet
Viewed across Rogiet Road (B4245)
Ifton Quarry Flooding
This image shows the extent of the flooding in the old disused quarry. Normally at its worst the water would be as far as the orange lifesaving device .
M48 westbound at Rogiet
Dewstow Road, 1
Looking towards Caldicot.
Filling station, Rogiet
Small building in the gardens at Dewstow
This small building in the gardens of Dewstow House is, or was, I presume either a gardener's hut or maybe associated with the lakes and ornamental pools nearby and may have housed a pump. Anyway, whatever its past or present purpose,... (more)
Dewstow Golf Course
This is the southern section, to the south of Highmoor Road.