Grid reference TQ0279
near to Richings Park, Buckinghamshire, England
Explore gridsquare TQ0279
Surrounding area
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Looking east on North Park towards Richings Park
Digging up the field
A tract of agricultural land north of Parlaunt Road is being cleared. It looks like Richings Park is going to get joined onto Slough.
Iver: Railway lines
The main London Paddington to Reading railway line viewed looking from Dog Kennel bridge to the west of Iver station with a westbound First Great Western local train.
Suburbia meets country
A view on take-off from Heathrow, looking north over the M4 just east of Slough, with quite a lot of farmland, some large industrial buildings and low and high-rise housing. The large conspicuous building is Axis Park, which seems to be an... (more)
Cereal crop, Iver
North of North Road.
Houses on Market Lane, Langley (set of 2 images)
Fly-tipping in Hollow Hill Lane
Local fly-tipping spot in Hollow Hill Lane, Langley, Berkshire.
Field off Market Lane, Langley
This square is almost entirely taken up by fields which separate Langley from Richings Park. Despite this being green belt, repeated attempts have been made to develop this land for housing, thus far unsuccessful.
Field by the Great Western Main Line
Fields, pylons and caravan site
Looking north of railway line, half way between Langley and Iver stations. Mansion Lane Caravan site seen in distance.
Richings Park
Farmland at Richings Park.
Sutton Lane
Approaching its junction with Parlaunt Road and North Park