Grid reference TQ1861
3 km from Chessington, Kingston Upon Thames, England
Explore gridsquare TQ1861
Surrounding area
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Tower in Noble Park
Previously part of West Park Hospital.
Footpath Close to West Park Farm
Christ Church Road by Epsom Common (set of 2 images)
Public bridleway near Epsom
A public bridleway leading to and past a cottage in Surrey countryside, near Epsom.
This image was taken during the month of February. Trees were bare for the winter season.
Corridor, West Park Hospital
The last great psychiatric hospital to be built in the UK, West Park Hospital was part of the Epsom Cluster that consisted of 5 similar institutions located near Epsom. The design consisted of a central group of larger buildings and a... (more)
Field of Buttercups
This field is just north of the B280 on the other side from Epsom Common. It is not accessible and was photographed over the fence from the road.
Epsom Common
This is the northern end of the common by the Christ Church Road entrance.
B280, near Epsom Common
The B208, Christ Church Road, with the entrance to the common car park on the left.
Track from the car park, Epsom Common
Empty car park on Epsom Common
Noble Park
Housing converted from former hospital buildings of West Park Mental Hospital. Seen here are Frinton Court and Parklands Court on Glanville Way.
Epsom Polo Club, Equus Equestrian Centre, Horton Country Park, Epsom