Grid reference TQ4862
near to Badgers Mount, Kent, England
Explore gridsquare TQ4862
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Broke Hill Golf Club
Roundabout on Sevenoaks Road, Knockholt
Knockholt Station (set of 8 images)
Junction on Sevenoaks Road
The Old London Road from Badgers Mount, changes into a short section of Sevenoaks Road, to join the A21 Sevenoaks Dual Carriageway (heading left to Pratts Bottom). Confusingly, another Sevenoaks Road, also heads left to a row of houses... (more)
Broke Lodge, Halstead
This presumably was once the lodge house to Broke Farm, converted to a golf course in 1992
Knockholt Station
Railway west of Wheatsheaf Hill bridge
Knockholt station is just round the bend, but this train will not stop.
Looking south-east off London Road, near Knockholt Station
Main line to Tonbridge, Ashford and Dover from near Knockholt
View SE, towards Sevenoaks, Tonbridge etc.: ex-SE&CR London - Sevenoaks - Tonbridge - Ashford - Dover main line, electrified to Sevenoaks, electrified to Sevenoaks 1/35, beyond in 7/61. Knockholt station is about 500 yards behind here.
Scrubland near Knockholt Station
An undeveloped area of land between the A21 (lampposts on which are just visible on the left of the photo) and the railway (which runs in a cutting by the line of trees to the right of the photo).
Cottage by Knockholt Station
Footpath across Broke Hill Golf Course