Grid reference SU3907
near to Dibden, Hampshire, England
Explore gridsquare SU3907
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Dibden, brook
Looking down stream at a brook that feeds into Beaulieu River. Note the ponies grazing in the distance.
A bit of fence, for some reason
It's hard to see what this short piece of fencing achieves.
Ponies grazing at Dibden Bottom, New Forest
These ponies are grazing to the south of a stream at Dibden Bottom. The grassy area in the foreground has dried out in the recent dry spell, although it is usually quite wet and waterlogged in the winter. The changes in vegetation as you go... (more)
Hythe By-Pass at Applemore village boundary
Oak and fir, Marchwood Inclosure
The A326 in 1972
Travelling along the A326 towards Applemore.
N.B. Before anyone tickets this shot for unsafe driving or some such, please be aware that I was a PASSENGER in the car when I took the photo!
Clusters of trees on Dibden Bottom
Pine View, Marchwood Inclosure
Viewed through the Pines from the Inclosure Car Park
Barney Barns Hill, Dibden Bottom, New Forest
This small hill is obscured by the pines that were planted on it in the 1950s as part of a screen on the eastern edge of the Forest. Heywood Sumner, writing in 1924, regarded it as a significant "natural landmark" of the Forest.... (more)
Track leading up from the car park in Marchwood Inclosure
Footbridge in Dibden Bottom
Looking towards Marchwood Inclosure.
Path by Marchwood Inclosure
Making for a pleasant stretch along the road.