Grid reference SU1000
near to Trickett's Cross, Dorset, England
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8 images
for SU1000
Hurn Forest
The entrance to Fir Grove Farm.
East Parley, water meadows
Moors River regularly flows over into the adjacent meadows; the river is in the background. Behind the trees on the other bank are cattle from Fir Grove Farm. For more information about the Crane/Moor River, see... (more)
Bracken and fir, Hurn Forest
Palmer's Ford, sewage works
Palmer's Ford Sewage Treatment Works, operated by Wessex Water, see Link
Palmer's Ford, bridleway
Hurn Forest, cycle route
Gravelled route along the plantation; at the approaching junction, left to Firgrove Farm; right, the cycle route continues.
Hurn Forest, farm access road
Farm buildings at Firgrove Farm in the distance.
Track through Hurn Forest