near to Southsea, Portsmouth, England
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in grid square SZ6598
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A sample of 12 photos from 1,014
for SZ6598
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Café by Canoe Lake, Southsea
by Pierre Terre
Oak Trees near Canoe Lake
by Paul Gillett
Viewed from near the cafe at the north of the lake
Tullys |
Church Hall, Trinity Methodists
by Basher Eyre
A warm and welcoming place which always did so much for my grandmother.
Albert Road, Southsea, Hampshire
Looking towards the east, from the junction with Fawcett Road. A Tesco store is to the left of picture.
Southsea seafront
by Bryn Holmes
The beach at Southsea (set of 2 images) |
Path in Southsea Rose Garden (set of 2 images) |
South Parade Pier, Southsea
As with so many seaside piers, South Parade Pier has had a long eventful history - not all of it happy. The first pier here opened in 1879 as a passenger terminal for the Isle of Wight and was long enough, at 1,950 feet, to allow steamers... (more)
Clarenden Rd, B2155
by N Chadwick
Trinity Methodist Church
by N Chadwick
Grade II listed. Link
Love Albert Road- eponymous food store
by Basher Eyre
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