4 km SE of Annat, Highland, Scotland
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33 images
in grid square NG9251
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Stepping stones on the outflow from Loch an Eoin |
Loch an Eoin
by David Brown
Loch an Eoin and Maol Chean-dearg
by Alan Reid
Stepping stones
by Russel Wills
Over the outflow from Loch an Eoin.
Loch an Eoin and Maol Chean-dearg
by Jim Barton
The Munro Maol Chean-dearg is one of the fine steep sandstone and quartzite peaks that rise between Strath Carron and Glen Torridon.
Loch an Eoin
by Richard Webb
Backed by Maol Ceann Dearg (933m), Loch an Eoin is a sizable loch with an island, still carrying some natural tree cover.
Loch an Eoin
by Angus
A small sandy beach by Loch an Eoin, Torridon.
Moorland north west of Loch an Eion
by Nigel Brown
With Beinn Damh looming up in the background.
Loch littered corrie
The Bealach na Lice threads its way between several lochs, one of which has red throated divers on it. Liathach is in the view.
Lochan Domhain
by Nigel Brown
An attractive lochan on the stream which drains Loch an Eoin. Beinn na h-Eaglaise provides the impressive backdrop.
On the path to Maol Chean-dearg
by Alan Reid
The ford or stepping stones at Loch an Eoin
by Julian Paren
The map refers to the ford and walkers refer to this crossing as "stepping stones". After a dry spell it was as easy to ford the river than take to the stepping stones themselves.
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