near to Findon, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
We have
15 images
in grid square NO9397
We have
15 images
for NO9397
Cottages in Findon
by Lizzie
Close to Findon farm are a row of cottages, the side of them shown faces the coastline with lovely views out to sea.
A house by Mains of Findon
by Stanley Howe
by Colin Smith
A row of cottages in the heughhead hamlet. The former fishing settlement is supposed to be the home of "Finnan Haddies".
Road junction in the small hamlet of Findon.
Mains of Findon
by Stanley Howe
Viewed from near Mill of Findon.
Brewster's Croft
by Stanley Howe
Mains of Findon.
A double road junction
by Stanley Howe
First right to Findon.
Findon, Field of Gold
by Colin Smith
This cereal crop on the field descending to the North Sea will soon be ready for harvesting. The new houses on the skyline are synonymous with new residential development around Aberdeen, largely due to the oil business.
Reemit Hill
by Richard Webb
Grass fields outside Findon. The dyke conceals a minor road.
by Anne Burgess
Notice to aliens: "Land your spacecraft here"? More prosaically, it is at the end of the track to Findon Moor, and therefore refers to the house a hundred metres or so along the track.
Fields near Findon
by Anne Burgess
This is the lower northern slope of the modest Reemit Hill. The trees are at Hill of Findon.
Reemit Hill
by Anne Burgess
It's not much of a hill, and not enough to warrant being named on the 1:50,000 or 1:25,000 maps. The white wall surrounds some sort of enterprise at Uppertown.
Path to the coast...
...from Findon village
Road out of the village
Findon is a small coastal village about 1 km to the east of the A92 main road but is rather isolated.
Road to Findon
by Scott Cormie
Road heading east at the Mains of Findon.