Grid reference SX1773
3 km from Temple, Cornwall, England
Explore gridsquare SX1773
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We have
15 images
for SX1773
The Colliford Tavern
A pub adjacent to, but not part of, Colliford Lake Park. Outdoor seating is being jet-washed ready for the new season.
Reconstructed Longhouse at Colliford Lake Park
St Neot : Colliford Lake
Colliford Lake during a dry period. Colliford is Cornwall's largest inland water, with a surface area of 900 acres.
St Neot : Colliford Lake
Colliford Lake during a dry period. Colliford is Cornwall's largest inland water, with a surface area of 900 acres.
St Neot : Colliford Lake
Colliford Lake during a dry period. Colliford is Cornwall's largest inland water, with a surface area of 900 acres.
St Neot : Colliford Lake
Colliford Lake during a dry period. Colliford is Cornwall's largest inland water, with a surface area of 900 acres.
St Neot : Colliford Lake
Colliford Lake during a dry period. Colliford is Cornwall's largest inland water, with a surface area of 900 acres.
St Neot : Colliford Lake
Colliford Lake during a dry period. Colliford is Cornwall's largest inland water, with a surface area of 900 acres.
St Neot : Colliford Lake
Colliford Lake during a dry period. Colliford is Cornwall's largest inland water, with a surface area of 900 acres.
St Neot : Colliford Lake
Colliford Lake during a dry period. Colliford is Cornwall's largest inland water, with a surface area of 900 acres.
St Neot : Colliford Lake
Colliford Lake during a dry period. Colliford is Cornwall's largest inland water, with a surface area of 900 acres.
St Neot : Grassy Field & Sheep
A field of sheep beside the trees.
St Neot : Colliford Lake Park
Looking towards Colliford Lake Park.
St Neot : Grassy Field
A grassy field overlooking Colliford Lake.
St Neot : Grassy Field & Sheep
A man rides his quad across the field.