Grid reference NT3799
near to Methil, Fife, Scotland
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Harbour, Methil (set of 2 images)
Footbridge at Methil Docks
At the north end of No 1 Dock a footbridge was provided over the former railway line — note the granite ballast — to link town and docks estate. It is believed that this particular bridge was erected about 1978 when the railway layout in... (more)
The Brig Tavern
On Methil High Street. The Fife Coastal Path passes along this road.
Derelict premises on Methil High Street
This sort of thing lends a depressing air to any street. According to Companies House, a firm called Methil Enterprises Ltd - a take-away food shops and mobile food stands business - uses this as its correspondence address but clearly no... (more)
Breakwater, Methil harbour
A view along the seaward face of the breakwater at Methil.
Empty supermarket, Methil
High Street, Methil. A large shop, shuttered up like everywhere else on a Sunday afternoon, but obviously not going to open the following day.
Methil No. 3 Dock
This dock was closed by the Forth Ports Authority in 1977. The two remaining docks at Methil (Nos. 1 and 2) are still functioning Link
Cranes at Methil docks
In spite of the demise of the Fife coalfield and the closure of the power station there is still plenty of industrial activity at Methil docks. These cranes serve No 1 and 2 docks and the large building in the background has been used for... (more)
Wemyss Place
Just west of the Methil Docks, a former service road to the docks which now accesses a couple of offices and some small businesses.
Wind turbine by No 3 Dock
Erected right on the disused dockside, this striking turbine is a focal point near the Methil Low Carbon Investment Park, which encourages office, light industrial, commercial and distribution use.
Mini roundabout at the junction Wellesley Road and Whyte Rose Terrace
In Methil. The renowned Tower Bar stands beyond the roundabout.
Methil docks
One section of Methil docks which are still very active.