Grid reference NS4282
near to Blairquhomrie, West Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Explore gridsquare NS4282
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Road to Easter Auchencarroch Farm
From Mid Auchencarroch Farm.
Auchincarroch Road, near Mid Auchencarroch Farm
NS4182 : Mid Auchencarroch Farm is visible in the background of this photograph.
[Note: the "Auchen-"/"Auchin-" variation is not a typing mistake; rather, the road, a nearby hill, and the local farms have adopted different spellings of... ( more)
Road near Easter Auchencarroch Farm
Minor tree enclosed road approaching Blairquhomrie Cottages
Looking north-eastward.
Auchincarroch Road, near Mid Auchencarroch Farm
An oak apple
New house and driveway
Compare NS4282 : New house and driveway; the present picture is intended to provide more context. At the time of submission, the house, though occupied, was new, and did not yet appear on the OS map. [Update (2019): large-scale mapping calls the house... ( more)
Field at Easter Auchencarroch Farm
Fields beside Auchincarroch Road
The distant farm buildings located centrally in the view are those of Easter Blairquhanan ( NS42138311). Ben Lomond ( NN3602) can be seen at the far right.
Field gate beside Auchincarroch Road
The gate is about 60 metres to the west of Blairquhomrie Cottages. The trees that can be seen on the right, arranged in a line receding into the distance, are growing alongside a burn, one of several that combine to form the Carrochan Burn.