Grid reference NS4572
near to Erskine Bridge, Renfrewshire, Scotland
Explore gridsquare NS4572
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Gas pipe replacement, Erskine Bridge
Part of the work being carried out to replace the gas pipes that cross the River Clyde from Erskine to Old Kilpatrick, due to be completed in December 2018. Seen from the Erskine Bridge.
Reid McEwen Conference Centre
View from Erskine Bridge, 1976
View from Erskine Bridge, January 1976. Looking NW, Dumbarton Rock in distance.
Erskine Hospital grounds
Taken from Erskine Bridge, Dumbarton Rock and River Clyde in the background.
A898 approaching Erskine bridge from the south
Erskine Crannog: remains of timber piles
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The present photograph shows, on the right, the remnants of timber piles on the north-eastern side of the crannog.
A898, Erskine Bridge
The Erskine Bridge spans the River Clyde connecting West Dunbartonshire with Renfrewshire. Opened in 1972, the bridge allows traffic to get between the A82 and the M8 without passing through Glasgow. It replaced the Erskine to Old... (more)
River Clyde waterfront
At Old Kilpatrick, looking northwest.
Reid McEwen Conference Centre
In the grounds of Erskine Hospital
Ruins of minewatchers' post
Path between the Erskine Golf Club and the River Clyde
Looking down river with Bowling on the opposite bank.
The Reid Macewen Training and Conference Centre, Erskine Hospital
The centre was named Reid Macewen in honour of Erskine's two greatest patrons. Sir John Reid donated the Erskine Estate and Mansion House, which was converted to the original hospital. Sir William Macewen was the eminent surgeon who... (more)