near to Liberton, Edinburgh, Scotland
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202 images
in grid square NT2770
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images taken from NT2770 [14]
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for NT2770
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Road in Inch Park
by JThomas
Nether Liberton Doocot
by Lisa Jarvis
An early 17th century, large two-chambered dovecot, the largest in the Edinburgh area with over 2000 nest holes. Pigeons enter via 36 holes half way down the roof and 5 holes in the S wall of each chamber below the eaves. This dovecot is... (more)
Wheat field, Liberton
by Richard Webb
A surviving piece of the countryside that once surrounded a much smaller Edinburgh. The big tower once housed Molecular Biology at the University of Edinburgh (Darwin Tower) Soon it will be demolished.
Old Milestone by Kirk Brae, Liberton parish, Edinburgh
Stone post (plate lost) by the UC road, in parish of Liberton (City of Edinburgh District), Kirk Brae, Mossgiel Walk/Alloway Loan, in front of small triangular garden, East side of road.
Inscription once read:-
(2)... (more)
Dilapidated property, west end of Gilmerton Road, Edinburgh
Currently for sale for development.
17thC Edinburgh arms tablet, Inch House
by kim traynor
The tablet adorned a house in the Cowgate which belonged to William Little, Lord Provost of Edinburgh, whose family was linked by marriage to the Gilmours of Inch House. When his house was demolished in 1835, the tablet was removed to the Inch.
Kirkbrae playing fields
Dominated in the background by the buildings of the University of Edinburgh's main science faculties
Braid Burn under Cameron Toll
by Richard Webb
The burn disappears into a culvert upstream of the Cameron Toll shopping centre.
Inch House
by Anne Burgess
It was a big disappointment to find this17th century A-Listed house swathed in scaffolding, its features concealed by netting. However the work will no doubt be completed in due course and the building revealed in its full glory. It has... (more)
Blackford Glen Cottages
by Callum Black
Houses on the road leading to Blackford Quarry.
Southern end of Mayfield Road
by Richard Webb
The road has been closed to northbound traffic for a long time due to the building of student accommodation on the site of a garage, some houses and the Braidburn Inn.
Gilmerton Road
by Anne Burgess
Modern flats on the east side of Gilmerton Road.
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