Grid reference NT2060
near to Silverburn, Midlothian, Scotland
Explore gridsquare NT2060
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Pentland Hills
The wall runs beside the A702.
The Kirk Road
Looking across rough grazing towards Scawd Law, the highest hill in Pentlands and the pass used by the Kirk road to Balerno. There was deep snow cover with evidence of recent avalanches on some slopes.
Old milestone
This stone, just north of Silverburn village, was uplifted in October 2019 by Amey and reset in concrete. The sandstone upper body tapers to a thinner top. There is vertical broaching on the back and horizontal on the sides. It was set up... (more)
Silverburn has just a handful of houses, mainly along the A702.
Below Scald Law
A popular route to the Pentlands from the A702. Here, the path crosses the Grain Burn.
The Grain Burn Valley
Looking up to Grain Hill and Scald Law.
The Kirk Road from Penicuik
This path from the A702 over to Balerno was so called as it was the route for parishioners to reach Penicuik in the 19th century. The signpost pointing left indicates a path towards Fala Knowe.
Hills near Silverburn
At the Grain Burn start of the annual Carnethy Hill Race
Ford on the Grain Burn
The Kirk Road - an old route through the Pentlands to the kirk at Penicuik - crosses the burn here at a small, shallow ford.
The Grain Burn valley
Looking into the Pentlands near Silverburn.
Path leading into the Pentlands
This is the start of the path from the A702 which can be used to climb Scald Law and Carnethy Hill (the latter can be seen in the background). On this day parts of the path were extremely muddy.