Grid reference NT4755
3 km from Oxton, Scottish Borders, Scotland
Explore gridsquare NT4755
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We have
9 images
for NT4755
Dere Street
The Roman road, Dere Street, ran north through here to Edinburgh. It is not obvious on the ground here, it survives just as a faint path - the line being easier to see from a distance. The Historic Scotland sign marking this section,... (more)
Turf Law
A flat topped hill in Upper Lauderdale. The ground is relatively dry and is covered in a mix of grass and heather. I did not see any grouse, but there were many small finches as well as larks here, probably attracted by the heather seeds.
Entrance road to Glengelt
Running off the A68 road.
Headshaw Haugh
Looking across the valley from Glengelt.
Glengelt from New Channelkirk
The view is bisected by the A68 heading up Soutra.
A68's ascent of Soutra
The Lauderdale side of the pass where there is an overtaking lane on the ascending side of the pass.
The A68 at Glengelt
Looking north, ascending Soutra.
The A68 at Glengelt
Looking south, descending from Soutra.
A68 at Glengelt