near to Westruther, Scottish Borders, Scotland
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40 images
in grid square NT6350
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images taken from NT6350 [4]
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for NT6350
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Wee Village of Westruther
by Barbara Carr
Winner of the 'Wee Village' category in Scotland's Floral Gateway competition 2012, see Link
B6456, Westruther
by Richard Webb
Passivhauses at Westruther
Information about the building of 10 houses being built to the 'Passivhaus' standard on Edgar Road.
Westruther Old Kirk
by JThomas
Westruther in Berwickshire
by James Denham
The main road running through the village, with the Thistle Inn, top centre, dominating the scene.
Cattle grid and barley, Westruther
by Richard Webb
A grid is used instead of a gate here. Beyond is a field of barley.
Westruther village hall
by Richard Webb
Passivhauses at Westruther
A development of 10 houses being built to the 'Passivhaus' standard on Edgar Road. It was blowing a gale, and the noise made by the wind catching loose bits of material was very loud.
Westruther Kirk
by James Denham
Twin Law from Westruther
by Richard Webb
View north along the Flass Road.
Sign for the Old Thistle Inn, Westruther
by JThomas
by Barbara Carr
Approaching Westruther on the B6456.
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